
IWe had another wonderful year at St. Andrew’s Sunday School!  The children learned a lot and enjoyed interacting with their teachers and classmates and all grew in their faith.  Awards Sunday took place on June 23rd and was followed by popsicles for all so it was a great day!
Thank you to everyone who contributed food on Harvest Sundays throughout the year.  St. Mary’s Food Pantry appreciates all our donations so let’s keep this tradition going on the first Sunday of the month when Sunday School resumes in the fall.
On behalf of St. Andrew’s, thank you to all who have given so much of your time throughout the year to help the children to grow in their faith.  Without the volunteers and the parents who faithfully bring the children each week, Sunday School would not be a success.  Thank you so very much!
We give special thanks to the teachers and helpers for Sunday School:  Jeanna Shepard, Karen DosSantos, Tracy Blechner, Norma Webster, Sarah Dockweiler, Debra Gagliano, Rita Nehmzow, Donna Kellett, Joan DiSalvatore, Arianne Damrow, Kristin Quaid, Amanda Blechner, Carson Rai, Ellie Clark, and Kaleigh Hung.  Many thanks to Cyndi Clark for leading the special lessons about topics such as Advent and the Bible and to Margy for her musical accompaniment.  And of course, we are deeply appreciative of the constant support of Pastor Dave and the Church Council.  The children enjoy Pastor Dave’s weekly Kids’ Messages and his ongoing involvement with the Sunday School program.
Sunday school resumes on Rally Day which is September 8, 2024 so if you have a child who will be 3 years old in September, please contact me so we can enroll him/her in Sunday School for next year.  There will be one service outside at 10 AM and a family picnic will follow.
As always, we welcome anyone who would like to teach or help with Sunday School, do a special lesson or craft with the children, or assist in any way.  Please reach out to me with any questions at [email protected] or via cell at 914-715-9546
Have a great summer and we look forward to seeing everyone at worship service at 9 AM each Sunday through Labor Day weekend!  Bring the children and worship as a family.
God Bless,
Sue Epting, Sunday School Coordinator
Sunday School Awards Celebration