Church Council
- Sue Epting- President
- Kristi Tudor – Vice President
- Dale Sharp – Secretary
- David Hamm – Treasurer
- Mike Banks
- Chuck Farrell
- Joanna Falcone
- Gary Grossman
- Ashley Hedkte
- Carol Holodak
- Kristine Kallensten
- John Leisher
- Gemma Reinkraut
Financial Secretary
Margaret Hauck
Nominating Committee

Life Commission plans for the continued programs of St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church. The Commission oversees the various groups and people that make the church a living place.
St. Andrew’s Sunday school, for children ages three years old through grade 7, is lead by a dedicated volunteer staff. It runs weekly from September through June. The church nursery, staffed with one adult and a youth volunteer, is open every Sunday for the 10 AM service. Confirmation class is taught by Pastor Dockweiler.

Our music program features both instrumental and choral music under the direction of organist and music director, Margy Tillistrand. Choir practices are held Wednesdays at 7:45 pm. Any may serve by assisting in the worship service. Training is provided for members of the altar guild, communion assistants, ushers, counters, readers and acolytes.
Children’s Choir is open to children ages 5 through 7th Grade. Rehearsals are held after worship on the last two Sundays of every month and the Youth Choir sings on the first Sunday of each month during the Family Worship Service.
Service Group meets the first Tuesday of each month to create kits for Lutheran World Relief, design craft items for sale, or to distribute Christmas gifts to those in need.
Life Commission sponsors and/or supports many other workshops, groups and worship activities throughout the year such as craft days; an annual Christmas pageant; family picnics with games; Bible study; a men’s club; and youth and family retreats. Each summer St. Andrew’s also joins with four local churches to sponsor Vacation Bible School.
These organizations function because of the efforts of many volunteers. The Life Commission meets monthly.
The Resource Commission is responsible for the financial and physical viability of St. Andrew’s. Commission members manage St. Andrew’s assets and the “business” of the church. Members consist of selected Church Council members and at-large congregation members with appropriate backgrounds and experience.
The Commission performs essential services relating to (i) all financial/accounting matters (includes preparing the annual budget) (ii) the care, maintenance and operation of the buildings and five acres of property (iii) all personnel matters (iv) all computer related/IT matters and (v) all other business matters including leasing space, insurance and contracts.
The Commission continually seeks ways to ensure the church is run as efficiently and smoothly as possible and is focused on maintaining its physical appearance. The Commission arranges for work parties consisting of congregation members, the church’s youth and scouts for spring and fall cleanups, and enlists the help of congregation members throughout the year to assist in upkeep. The Commission also inspects periodically the major structural components of the church for any needed maintenance or replacement, and plans/arranges for raising any needed funds.
The Commission also seeks actively new and additional sources of revenue to supplement donations.


“Let brotherly love continue. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.”
— Hebrews 13:1-2
The St. Andrew’s Outreach Commission promotes programs that minister to the needs of those in the wider community. Members of Outreach work with local churches, service organizations and missionaries to advance their ministries. Our work providing meals to the homeless and food for our local food pantries; supporting our global missionaries and gathering together with groups of other faiths in worship provides us with a satisfying extension of our faith.