From the Pastor

How did I get here and where am I (maybe we) going?

I grew up a suburbanite in a demographically shifting area Chicago. Through my random collection of interests and activities as a young person (football, band and church youth group) I had a pretty wide range of friends. When it came time to figure out my life direction, I admit I was clueless. I only knew that I didn’t want to work for someone else, which left working for myself or working for God. I flirted with the former before diving into the pool of ministry headfirst. I figured working through the church was the way that I could do the most good. It took me awhile, but I found my direction.

Fast forward about 25 years, a marriage, handful of kids and some other life experiences. I believe think that I am called by God to lead the congregation of St. Andrew’s. Lead yes, but where and how and when and to whom shall we go? We are in changing times. Fewer people are growing up in the church because their parents don’t see the value, or they left their church for any of a variety of reasons. Church activities compete for time and interest of potential participants at every age. Worldviews are being reformed, old models and methods simply don’t work anymore, technology is present and influencing everything we do. How people spend their money, and their time is not the same as it was when I was wondering the halls of high school.

A lot has changed, but has God’s voice quit calling us? Has Jesus’ invitation to follow him stopped just because many are distracted? Is God still showing us the way to be better versions of ourselves everyday? OF COURSE NOT. God is showing us how to be generous and kind and understanding, even if we aren’t paying attention. Let’s start paying attention. Let’s start asking questions that matter.

I’m going to be spending a lot of time in prayer asking what God wants me to do in this place. I don’t know where God is going to take me. Will you pray for me, will you pray for this church, will you pray for our family of faith? I hope so, see you on Sunday and we will start to take this journey together.

Pastor Dave

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”
– Mark Twain
